Pack Hacker Pick | PH Pick
Pack Hacker Pick | PH Pick

We’ve had our hands on thousands of products, but they can’t all be favorites. Some gear naturally stands out among the masses, and we think they deserve recognition.

Every piece of gear with this badge has been rigorously tested and reviewed. They’re made with quality materials and produced by brands with integrity. However, that’s not all we consider.

Products chosen as a PH Pick are not only what we recommend to others but are our go-to travel companions when we’re packing for a trip. Each Pack Hacker Pick is a favorite of at least one Pack Hacker team member.

So why should you trust us? Simply put: we know a thing or two about travel gear. We take pride in finding the best travel essentials in a market filled with fancy advertising and Instagram aesthetics. We do not allow brands to pay for a PH Pick badge. Instead, we focus on selecting gear we love from brands we can vouch for.

Not every Pack Hacker Pick will be the best option for you, but this list will give you an idea of where to start. For everything else, check out our objective reviews, detailed guides, and comprehensive packing lists.

Pack Hacker Picks