Gear Infusion EverRatchet Ratcheting Multitool

Technical Details

  • Weight (lb)

    .025 lb (0 kg)

  • Dimensions

    2.4 in x .7 in x .2 in (6.1 x 1.8 x 0.5 cm)

  • Notable Materials


  • Manufacturing Country

    United States

  • Warranty Information

    Gear Infusion Return Policy

Buying Options

Amazon Logo

Usage Timeline

Initial Usage

Condition: Excellent

  • The ratcheting feature on this is super innovative and can also be used in conjunction with the screwdriver bit
  • Can internally store a screwdriver bit or flint fire starter
  • Lots of tools packed into a small package
By Pack Hacker Team
Created October 14, 2019 • Updated November 29, 2022
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